The Midland Rolls-Royce Club

We usually meet once a month on a Sunday for a lunch and drive to various places of interest, such as houses, museum or gardens. We hold a week-end away, usually in the spring, which allows members from further afield to join us.

If you would like to have more information about the club, or join us, please E-Mail our Hon.Sec., for further details, on [email protected], or fill out the application form. Our annual membership rate at the moment is £28.00

Upcoming Events

Fairfield lake and Smite Brook railway, Pailton

The East Midland section of the RREC have invited us back again for a day of picnics, steam and chat.

Arrive between 10.30a.m. - 11.00a.m. £9 per person (£5 going to charity) donations for BBQ use and tea/coffee.

Closing date 31st July 2023

Aug 11th, 2024

Chairman's at Home Picnic / BBQ

The Chairman's at home BBQ/ picnic will follow the usual format. This year's charity is the West Midland air ambulance.

As usual it's a very informal event. Bring your own chairs/ tables. a BBQ will be available for you to cook your delicacies in the special way you like them or just bring a picnic. Tea/coffee, salad and desserts will be provided. Just need to know numbers. A donation of £5 per head would be really appreciated.

Aug 18th, 2024 12:00pm

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Latest News

First half 2023

Posted Jun 19th, 2023

This year is going so quickly it seems and we go from one weather type to another. We have managed a variety of events so far most of which have been really well attended. We have visited several really old pubs, had a well attended Annual Lunch, visited the Ashbourne area for a weekend, staying at the Bentley Brook Inn. During our stay we were able to take in lots of the local sights. We have also spent a day in the Ludlow area on our drive it day, starting for coffee at the Charlton Arms and eating at the Clive Arms near the farm shop centre. Going forward we have several events organised to take us through the rest of the year.

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